Over the past week of Mama's absence, Papa has taken such good care of the little chap and has managed to instill discipline in the little rascal (who has ways with Mama). In a span of mere 8 days, he also started chaining up words and can now better express himself. He now gives commands to Mama, e.g. over brekkie this morning, the little boy was saying "Mama eat" while pointing at his half-eaten biscuit, hoping that Mama will pick up his leftovers. He also started filling in the blanks (Mama went "1,2,3,4,5,6,..." and the little boy shouted "SEVEN!").
Mama sent the boy to school for his first official school day today and is absolutely delighted to find him participating in class activities, not having big fuss that Mama sneaked away in the morning while he was playing with the rest of the children. Keeping my fingers crossed that he will love the going to school routine and enjoy his time with the rest of the children.
Mama sent the boy to school for his first official school day today and is absolutely delighted to find him participating in class activities, not having big fuss that Mama sneaked away in the morning while he was playing with the rest of the children. Keeping my fingers crossed that he will love the going to school routine and enjoy his time with the rest of the children.
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