Saturday, 15 February 2014

Dilemmas of parenthood

The nanny hasn't been here for 4 days now and we are doing alright. Papa managed to attend to his errands with Utt in tow on Day 2, a first for the pair and spent most of the day together while Mama was away at work.

Vday went by with plans that fell through since the nanny was away taking care of her own bub. Change of arrangements means a change of plans, nothing new with having a toddler. We went for meals as a family with Utt being an angel both during lunch and dinner, which was an incredible vday gift from the boy.

This morning Utt busied himself with the shape sorter, chasing Homer around with the walker, enactment of household chores done by the nanny, simply rolling around the sand bag, etc. And then I recall Ida mentioning the independent play stage that comes at a certain age and seems to be nearing for Utt.

I hugged him this morning and said I love him and wish he would never grow. Papa assured that I wouldn't like to be cleaning ass till Utt turns 40.

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