Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Emotional prep for Mama-to-be

Had my check-up yesterday and saw that Utt is now weighing 2.14kg. He's at this moment engaged and dropping (because babies do flip and get disengaged closer to due date, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he's staying still and not getting into a breeched position that will make natural birth difficult or entirely rule out the possibility of natural birth). Every now and then, I'll get the weird tingling feeling. It's like, it can be any moment. I mean, seriously, it can be any moment (although he is still strictly speaking pre-term. But god knows). We are 39 days away from the EDD and he might be here as soon as 25 August if he decides to meet Papa and Mama once he reaches full term at 37 weeks.

OMG. This is getting surreal, and I am not even getting to the delivery process yet.

Just this morning, my Swede colleague told me that his wife Ida (who gave birth last year to a cute chubby boy here in Chiang Mai) went through birth 100% natural. That means no painkillers or epidural was involved. Absolutely NOTHING. This is like being given a big pat on the shoulder and hearing: "I'm sure you can get through this". I'm pretty sure that my threshold for pain is pretty high, but I can't be really sure if I'll be throwing in the towel because I've known ladies who took a last minute U-turn for a C-section. 

Oh well, I try to sing Que Sara Sara whenever I think of the forthcoming arrival of Utt while I feel my palms sweat a little. Papa and Mama are getting all ready now, with the nursery at it's 100% possibly tomorrow and the last batch of clothes in the washing machine tonight. Mama also started buying some toys for Utt and will be receiving this in 2-3 days time. Plan Toys are made from natural rubberwood that hasn’t been fertilized for three years before the wood is harvested and are assembled using a certified E-zero glue and are colored with water-based, non-toxic dyes. I love how simple they look and is very annoyed not to be able to find them in Chiang Mai, especially so when I am quite sure that the wood harvested is from this part of Thailand. Mama has also made her second purchase from Etsy this afternoon: a set of nice burp cloth for both the baby *ahem* and his mum.

With my finds from Etsy, I am hoping that Mama won't be looking too Mama-ish with an ugly diaper cloth across her shoulder while taking care of a burpy baby.
I hope from now till Utt's arrival, I'll be kept busy with the preparations to not have the time to sit down and think of the birth process and then getting frightened by the unknown.

It will soon be over... It will soon be over... It will soon be over...

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