Wednesday, 29 August 2012

@ 37 weeks 4 days and 6 days from induction!!!

Gynae visit today narrows the wait to a week. She measured me at 1-cm dilation and effaced enough to be scheduled for an induction ("we can even have it today, if you want it!" she said)

Here you can see how much the bump has grown over the past week

The gynae was sure that Utt will arrive in a week's time (any time in the next few days if we are lucky) and has scheduled me in to be induced on the 3rd, if Utt hasn't come naturally by then. I was too overwhelmed to ask why is there a need for induction, as I would have very much prefered him to arrive as and when he pleases (plus, amniotic fluid is still at a good level and he is not overdue even by next Monday) but the queries came flooding only after I left the hospital.
Braxton hicks coming more frequently this morning, and damn, I am feeling so clueless now. How different exactly is braxton hicks from contractions? I am having the tight feeling at my lower tummy very frequently this morning but I am definitely not aching. If this is the signal of contraction, I am too fortunate.

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