Monday, 20 August 2012

@ 36 weeks and 3 days

26 days to EDD and 5 more days to full term!!!

We were at the doc's this morning for my regular pre-natal check-up. My doc wasn't able to accurately estimate the weight of Utt as he's dropping and settling deeper into the pelvis (which she said is a good sign). The inaccurate estimation is that Utt is probably around 2.6 kg, a good size for natural birth. Doc was pretty sure that Utt will not be a ginormous baby and she gauged from my physical condition that I should not have too big a problem opting for natural birth. Papa-to-be asked me at the waiting room today if I am nervous about the arrival of Utt. I guess we both are, and I know Papa-to-be is also wondering (just like me) how different life would be for him with the arrival of the little man.

Well, things are looking good!

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