Monday, 2 January 2012

Hello 2012, I have been waiting!

Lazing around in the house on the second day of 2012, the last day of my long break before getting back to work. Last week of 2011 was a blast, and to be fair, the whole of 2011 was. Apart from landing myself in a fabulous job, we met buddy who has brought so much joy and liveliness. We have now spent 1.5 years in our own nest and as time goes by, have ironed out issues we had before, gotten used to who-says-what in the house and are continuously learning to accomodate each other's needs and habits. For 2-3 months now, we have opened the flood gate and are anticipating arrival of a new member in 2012. I am glad that in the past months the wait has given us opportunities to discuss about the impending change, our interpretation of modern parenting, etc. and are preparing ourselves to receive a new life in 2012 patiently as the wait goes on. 2011 was a hectic year for me, particularly the November-December period, drowning me in meetings/work and I was feeling the fatigue from all the travellings I have to make.

All in all 2011 was fantastic. And so I hope, the force continues to be with me, my family and friends in year 2012!

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