Ranking 81 out of 167 countries, just 2 ranks above Bangladesh, the score would be really ugly if not for a rather high rating received for "Functioning of Government". We are placed on par with Iraq when it comes to "Electoral Process and Pluralism" while "Political Partcipation" is the lowest among countries in the same category (Hybrid Regime, which is one category above the worst - Authoritarian Regime), receiving the same score as Cambodia and Haiti. Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Phillipines all out performed the city state.
The right to political participation refers to citizens’ right to seek influence of public affairs. Political participation can take many forms, the most notable of which is voting in elections, but also including joining a political party, standing as a candidate in an election, joining a non-governmental advocacy group, or participating in a demonstration.
Singapore in EIU Democracy Index 2011
Rank 81
Overall score 5.89
Electoral process and pluralism 4.33
Functioning of government 7.50
Political participation 2.78
Political culture 7.5
Civil liberties 7.35
Scoring 2.78 for political participation is not surprising and it certainly provides a good basis for pressure groups to perform advocacy work with the Government to increase transparency and freedom of expression for true political participation. I quote "If one is merely consulted by a powerful person who wants one's views for information, or if one is mobilized or re-educated within the control of another, one has not participated in politics in any significant sense." And if you have been brain washed to see nothing good of public expression of views and consider demonstrations as causes of chaotic social upheavals, look at Arab Spring.
The right to political participation refers to citizens’ right to seek influence of public affairs. Political participation can take many forms, the most notable of which is voting in elections, but also including joining a political party, standing as a candidate in an election, joining a non-governmental advocacy group, or participating in a demonstration.
Singapore in EIU Democracy Index 2011
Rank 81
Overall score 5.89
Electoral process and pluralism 4.33
Functioning of government 7.50
Political participation 2.78
Political culture 7.5
Civil liberties 7.35
Scoring 2.78 for political participation is not surprising and it certainly provides a good basis for pressure groups to perform advocacy work with the Government to increase transparency and freedom of expression for true political participation. I quote "If one is merely consulted by a powerful person who wants one's views for information, or if one is mobilized or re-educated within the control of another, one has not participated in politics in any significant sense." And if you have been brain washed to see nothing good of public expression of views and consider demonstrations as causes of chaotic social upheavals, look at Arab Spring.
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