Found some garden chairs at in- laws' farm some time back and finally got down to giving them a new look today.

Arranged in order: before, with primer coating, then the end look.

In black!

Running out of spray paint and some parts are still patchy . Anyway, going to grab more paint, and getting my weekly massage as well!
P is getting home a new tree today. Hopefully the garden will be ready when my folks are here. 1.5 more weeks!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Arranged in order: before, with primer coating, then the end look.

In black!

Running out of spray paint and some parts are still patchy . Anyway, going to grab more paint, and getting my weekly massage as well!
P is getting home a new tree today. Hopefully the garden will be ready when my folks are here. 1.5 more weeks!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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