Monday, 3 May 2010

Exploitation of cheap labour in Thailand

We were at our new place last Thursday first thing after work and were looking forward to see the place all done up. So we drove in and were shocked to find plants sparsely planted in the garden.

I fumed. The instruction before we left was loud and clear: Do not plant.

P tried convincing me that it looked okay but seriously, I thought he was just sick of clearing messes. He probably wanted to get everything done up asap. They planted 3 trees in our garden (with a bunch of fugly looking bushes scattered all over senselessly). The trees looked malnourished and one stood right at the spot where shade is required.

So P spoke to the architect, who referred us to the landscape architect who in turn refered us to the gardener. This morning, we collected the trees we bought from the orchard, delivered them to the gardener and instructed him to plant them at locations that we marked. The fugly bushes are to go. I am not sure if it would be hard work for the poor gardeners but there will definitely be a major garden revamp.

Because labour here is so cheap, communication need not be good. And Thais give shit about efficiency.

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