Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Potential biz opportunity

Railing for our stairs was up since weeks ago

This was the window panels before installation

And after (a view from the main entrance into the living area)

Another view from the living area into the garden space

Tiling works for our toilets are all done and we are now left with filling in of the coloured mortar. Guess very soon we would be able to proceed with the paint works.

This is me at work today

This green top was from my MIL. She likes getting stuff for us when she's running her errands at the market. Now the question is, how much would you pay for a plain top like this (good fit, stretchable)? I would think that FEP would have tops like this going at 12-15 bucks?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

yttun said...

Must be less than $10! >.<