Thursday, 8 January 2009

My life is comfortable, thank you

I've finally tuned myself back to life in Chiangmai.

Last Sunday was bad. Having arrived in Chiangmai after spending a whole 2-week with everyone back at home, I found myself missing home the moment we landed.

And then came Monday. Monday was worse. Not only that I haven't gotten over the part about being away from everyone else, I have to prepare myself for work (which is getting dreadful). I got home in the evening to a dog that looked nothing like ours back at home. Seriously, I felt like crying out loud.

I hate dealing with these emotions whenever I return from Singapore. Everything here is fine before homecoming. I have gotten used to the place, the people etc. I rant about work (occasionally) but me being me and work being work, where ever I am, rants about work will never stop. At times I thought, maybe deep inside, I am a city girl and that's the kinda life I am missing. At times I thought I am missing the people back at home more than the place. And then again, there are moments that I thought it is just the familiarity that I am missing. I don't know which is which but I do know I have made my choice and I want to enjoy my life here as much as I can. I would still be home and home will still be there for me.

There are largely 2 separate camps that people generally fall into when discussing about my life here in Chiangmai. One the "You traded the wonders of city life?" and the second being "Oh! You rich-ass Tai Tai".

The first camp pisses me ALOT. I wouldn't want to argue about this but not everyone would like to be you, if you know what I mean. If you don't, then it's the "you" who work your ass off to sustain your colourful lifestyle and thought that it is the only one wonderful thing for everyone on earth.

And for the second camp, sorry to disappoint you. First, I am NOT a Tai Tai. Second, we are not living in a mansion. Although we do live on a property that is huge and in a rather desired location in Chiangmai standards, it is old and is very run-down. And, my husband drives a very old car.

Life is actually satisfying and there is nothing much we have to worry about here. And frankly, P's family is doing well. Affordability is not an issue but my FIL happens to be a rather thrifty and modest man. And, he actually still calls the shots.

Only this is true about my life here.

1 comment:

yttun said...

Ignorance is a bliss.

But dun let the overly ignorance(stupidity) ppl bothers you.


Love you