Saturday, 25 October 2008

Of baby naming

The wedding card looks super cool

15 cool word illusions

We have been kinda picking up names from the movies/tv series we have been watching lately (I know I know... it sounds crazy since our Plan B is an unplanned plan but naming our baby would definitely be a challenge since he/she would need one that sounds alright in thai/english/mandarin/cantonese, I have decided to jumble up the sequence a little). Since GG, I am like so for the names Nate and Chuck but I can't help but associate the name Chuck with some high society flirtatious boy and according to P, Nate sounds weird in Thai. I actually wanted a baby name that's meaningful (Sydney definitely qualifies but I suspect many will roll their eyes). And yesterday, I brilliantly suggested "Tammy" and both of us agreed that it's really nice to have our baby named after Tammy senior, who is a very dear and special friend to us both. Since it would only be polite of us to get a nod from Tammy, we would be doing that when we meet up this December. The only problem is, the baby has to be a girl.

P went on to ask if the kid should be a "Chong" or "Supasri". My hubby is totally cool with anything and he seriously has no objections to the kid bearing my last name. He actually suggested for us to have two kids each bearing one of ours, but it seems weird to me that (in the event that I have more than one) my kids do not have the same last name. I thought it would be nice though for the kid to have my last name as his/her middle name like "Tammy C. Supasri" cos I would really like my kid to be somehow linked to my dad.

I don't know if we have started messing up stuff already.

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