Saturday, 11 October 2008

"Don't-Tell-the-Wife" Secrets All Men Keep

"Don't-Tell-the-Wife" Secrets All Men Keep
  1. Yes, we fall in lust 10 times a day -- but it doesn't mean we want to leave you
  2. We actually do play golf to get away from you
  3. We're unnerved by the notion of commitment, even after we've made one to you
  4. Earning money makes us feel important
  5. Though we often protest, we actually enjoy fixing things around the house
  6. We like it when you mother us, but we're terrified that you'll become your mother
  7. Every year we love you more
  8. We don't really understand what you're talking about
  9. We are terrified when you drive
  10. We'll always wish we were 25 again
  11. Give us an inch and we'll give you a lifetime
In less than 2 years of marriage, I have found out that #8 and #9 are very true (especially #9. ARGGGHHHHHHH). I guess time will tell. Anyway, I don't think I have my own "Don't-Tell-the-Husband" list. I am simply too lazy for that.

We saw Jack Nicholson's and Morgan Freeman's comedy-drama film The Bucket List 2 days back. I am not sure if it was ever shown in the Thai cinema. Seriously, coming up with 10 items is not easy. I am not sure what are going to be on mine yet, but I will definitely include skydiving (and it's going to be the last because i am so sure my heart won't be able to take it for the entire dive).

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