Tuesday, 23 September 2008

THE thing in my family

Come this weekend, Mdm will be giving tuition classes again. C has a friend whose son needs an English tutor and she asked if I would like to take up the job. I did without thinking twice since I don't usually have much to do on Saturdays and sparing an hour for a 6-year-old is an easy task. Plus, I would be paid!

Since C's friend can't really speak English, her sister helped to arrange for the time, location etc. The sister was surprisingly fluent in her spoken English and when we were done with the details, she revealed that she's actually calling from my little red dot!!! Apparently, she's married to an Indonesian and they relocated to Singapore a year ago. So theirs is a story of a Thai wife and an Indonesian husband raising kids in Singapore.

Come to think of it, ours, tracing all the way back to my grandparents, seems rather interesting:

1. Grandpa Chong (from China) & Grandma Chong (from Sg)
2. Grandpa Lee (from M'sia) & Grandma Lee (from Sg)
3. Dad (from Sg) & Mummy (from M'sia)
4. P (from land of gazillion smiles) & Mdm (from Sg)

Cross-border marriage seems to be THE thing in my family. Mummy told me once that somewhere up Grandma Lee's family line, there's a cross-racial marriage and that someone is an Indian. That explains Grandma Lee's sharp features (deep-set eyes, sharp nose etc.). MM and I were just not lucky enough to get the sharp features from her.

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