Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Singaporean comrades

Time passes really fast. I got up feeling that it's Monday when it's already mid-week! Working gets me really tired. Every morning, I get up feeling sick =S. I guess the laziness in me is back! Anyhow, I still enjoy my work (especially with the short working hours) and I hope this feeling is going to last.

Working gives me the opportunity to meet lotsa people and this is the primary reason I wanted a job in CNX. Interestingly, I am with the International College and people here are from all around. I got introduced to a Singaporean student few weeks back and this Canadian co-worker whose parents are Singaporeans who left for Cananda. They are nothing close to "Singaporeans" though. The mannerisms are different. Just when I thought there wouldnt be anyone who's "born and bred in Singapore", I met this guy who looked and walked like a Singaporean.

It's pretty strange how you feel connected to home just speaking to a stranger the Singaporean way. It's really hard to explain but I think I was pretty comforted that I am not alone. I'll not call myself patriotic but I'm missing alot back home. It doesnt help that stupid Tiger airways pulled their fleet out of CNX. ROAAARRRR.

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