Sunday, 24 February 2008


My FIL celebrated his birthday today by getting the monks to the house. I dunno what exactly to call such a ceremony in English but in Thai they call it "tambun". It's kindda unprecedented in the family. The ceremony is a gesture to acquire merits, something the Thais are very into. I'm not so sure if this is a Thai practise or a Buddhist practise.

My FIL got some workers home to tidy up the place and re-arrange the furniture to make space for praying. The preparation work started few days ago and Mdm had been getting up quite early since 'cause people were already working in the house early in the morning. And today, I got up at a record time of 6am in the morning!!! *APPLAUSE*

Quite some relatives and friends attended the ceremony which was followed by a lunch that was prepared by some caterers. All in all, I think there was like 60 attendees, excluding the 9 monks. The whole thing wrapped up in the noon though people stayed around. This kindda reminded me of CNY. Of course, CNY at my place seemed much rowdier but happening and fun!!! Every year, my parents will, without fail, prepare food (lunch and dinner) for the guests. This year, our tiny 4-room flat was crowded with 80 people at its peak!!! It's damn scary la. My folks never get to step out of the kitchen much on the first day of CNY.

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