Monday, 11 February 2008


Back! *Yawnz*

Strangely, I felt like I have been in Sg for a long time. So long that it seems to have erased my memories of the time spent here. And when I arrived yesterday, it doesnt seem like I have just been away for a week!!!

I was so tired that I spent most of my time yesterday napping. My couz was at my place the night before and we were playing cards the entire night (my flight was at 6plus in the morning and we had wanted to stay up since we had to get to the airport at 4 plus). Anywayz, the funny thing was that the guys started getting hungry at 3 plus and I cooked them instant noodle. Right after finishing his supper, Yang lay on the sofa and napped. And... he never managed to get up to send me off!!!



shannz said...

Too little time spent with the V girls!

yttun said...

Y dun u mention abt e dragging of ur lao sai-ing sis to ur room too??!! You are e crazy mastermind!! But anyway, i still miss you so much. (=*=)