The result of our home rebonding kit:

Fixing P's car for the Nth time... his lao kork kork car keeps failing him. We were on our way to his friend's when his car broke down.

At his friend's. See that sleeping posture? Wakhahaha... cute or what man.

A typical school day begins at 9am =)
0900 - 0930: Shower shower
0930 - 0945: Powder up and prepare
0945 - 1000: Transport myself to YMCA*
1000 - 1200: Sawatdee lessons
1200 - 1215: Transport myself back home
1215 - 1400: Laze, wait for P to get ready then go for lunch
1400 - 1730: Work work work**
1730 - 1830: Help nanny and sis to prepare dinner***
1830 - 1930: Makan
1930 - 2300: Leisure leisure****
And for a typical non-school day, just substitute that 2 hours with work.
Dont think I've mentioned it, but aku have been driving to school by myself for the past 2 months already ^^. P showed me the way a couple of times and then I was off by myself. I'm still familiarizing myself with the complex routes here given that there are lots and lots of on-going road works. For now, I know my way to Tesco Lotus, Carrefour and my favourite local supermarket, Rimping (though I've not really driven to these places by myself, except for the one time that I drove niece to Tesco to run some errands).
As for work, hmm... have mentioned to some that we are converting his place to a boutique hotel. Right now, the estimated number of rooms is 22 plus a nice tiny wing for ourselves. The plans are done and we will be passing them to the structural engineer while I'll con't to do some 3D works. Not really sure when we can proceed with this project though cos there is a proposal to widen the road right in front of his place and also to widen the Mae Ping river behind his house... so, we cant be really sure what we will be left with =(. And... unlike Sg, such proposals are usually very sketchy and according to P, may take years to be realised or eventually be disposed.
P's family dont usually cook so his sis would usually buy some takeaways from the market but nanny would concoct 1-2 dishes for the kids while I'll help out by preparing the ingredients. The Thais have incredibly small garlics and peeling them is extremely taxing. Nanny uses garlic alot and since peeling them had become my expertise, my hands are kindda stained with the smell of garlics. It's bad... very bad... I keep smelling garlic!! And it doesnt help that I hate that stinky smell. Something new:

I was introduced to this few days back... my god, soooo yummy!!! It's mango dipped in fish sauce and sugar. P said it's even better with some chilli.
3-4 times a week, P and I will settle dinner by ourselves, i.e to eat out/buy back/cook. Till now, I have attempted to cook the yummy lotus root soup, rather sucky bak kut teh soup, fry some bak choy (bland but edible), omelette, fried eggs, sichuan tofu and black bean paste with chicken (both with good reviews thanks to Lee Chum Kee).
Leisure activities meaning strolling in hypermarkets/ supermarkets, watching DVDs, having drinks with his friends or playing games on our beloved Wii. If we are going to hypermarkets/ supermarkets, we'll usually do it before dinner to get some add-on dishes for dinner plus to rent DVDs for after dinner program.
And yup... that's about it. Guess it looks like what a pair of regular Singaporean couple would do. Tuesdays are movie days cos watching movies on tuesdays is darn cheap. 80 baht per person for regular seats, i.e. less than S$4. Sundays are for sleeping in late and squash. I hardly do any shopping here cos... hmm, dunno. I usually like shopping alone, gives me less pressure when browsing. LOL. Shopping in department stores here isnt that cheap either and I rather do it back in Sg.
Side-tracking, I'm completing my Thai level 2 this week! =)) My Thai is as good as my Bahasa now... wakhahaha. Kidding... it's way better than my Bahasa. =P
I saw a rat in the toilet when I was getting in for a shower! !@#$%^&*
Fixing P's car for the Nth time... his lao kork kork car keeps failing him. We were on our way to his friend's when his car broke down.
At his friend's. See that sleeping posture? Wakhahaha... cute or what man.
A typical school day begins at 9am =)
0900 - 0930: Shower shower
0930 - 0945: Powder up and prepare
0945 - 1000: Transport myself to YMCA*
1000 - 1200: Sawatdee lessons
1200 - 1215: Transport myself back home
1215 - 1400: Laze, wait for P to get ready then go for lunch
1400 - 1730: Work work work**
1730 - 1830: Help nanny and sis to prepare dinner***
1830 - 1930: Makan
1930 - 2300: Leisure leisure****
And for a typical non-school day, just substitute that 2 hours with work.
Dont think I've mentioned it, but aku have been driving to school by myself for the past 2 months already ^^. P showed me the way a couple of times and then I was off by myself. I'm still familiarizing myself with the complex routes here given that there are lots and lots of on-going road works. For now, I know my way to Tesco Lotus, Carrefour and my favourite local supermarket, Rimping (though I've not really driven to these places by myself, except for the one time that I drove niece to Tesco to run some errands).
As for work, hmm... have mentioned to some that we are converting his place to a boutique hotel. Right now, the estimated number of rooms is 22 plus a nice tiny wing for ourselves. The plans are done and we will be passing them to the structural engineer while I'll con't to do some 3D works. Not really sure when we can proceed with this project though cos there is a proposal to widen the road right in front of his place and also to widen the Mae Ping river behind his house... so, we cant be really sure what we will be left with =(. And... unlike Sg, such proposals are usually very sketchy and according to P, may take years to be realised or eventually be disposed.
P's family dont usually cook so his sis would usually buy some takeaways from the market but nanny would concoct 1-2 dishes for the kids while I'll help out by preparing the ingredients. The Thais have incredibly small garlics and peeling them is extremely taxing. Nanny uses garlic alot and since peeling them had become my expertise, my hands are kindda stained with the smell of garlics. It's bad... very bad... I keep smelling garlic!! And it doesnt help that I hate that stinky smell. Something new:
I was introduced to this few days back... my god, soooo yummy!!! It's mango dipped in fish sauce and sugar. P said it's even better with some chilli.
3-4 times a week, P and I will settle dinner by ourselves, i.e to eat out/buy back/cook. Till now, I have attempted to cook the yummy lotus root soup, rather sucky bak kut teh soup, fry some bak choy (bland but edible), omelette, fried eggs, sichuan tofu and black bean paste with chicken (both with good reviews thanks to Lee Chum Kee).
Leisure activities meaning strolling in hypermarkets/ supermarkets, watching DVDs, having drinks with his friends or playing games on our beloved Wii. If we are going to hypermarkets/ supermarkets, we'll usually do it before dinner to get some add-on dishes for dinner plus to rent DVDs for after dinner program.
And yup... that's about it. Guess it looks like what a pair of regular Singaporean couple would do. Tuesdays are movie days cos watching movies on tuesdays is darn cheap. 80 baht per person for regular seats, i.e. less than S$4. Sundays are for sleeping in late and squash. I hardly do any shopping here cos... hmm, dunno. I usually like shopping alone, gives me less pressure when browsing. LOL. Shopping in department stores here isnt that cheap either and I rather do it back in Sg.
Side-tracking, I'm completing my Thai level 2 this week! =)) My Thai is as good as my Bahasa now... wakhahaha. Kidding... it's way better than my Bahasa. =P
I saw a rat in the toilet when I was getting in for a shower! !@#$%^&*
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