Sunday, 12 August 2007

Final countdown!!!

Past few days were fantastic. Had a very enjoyable time lazing around doing nothing. How nice is life ~.~

Just 2 days of not working and I felt like I have rested like... forever! *Muacks* How work has drained my energy! And now... I feel charged up! Keke... at least my dark rings seem to be vanishing. Was packing my stuff for the past few days and by this afternoon, I'd managed to empty out my cupboard. My clothes were packed into this mega size luggage bag. From now on, I would be getting clothes from it. The rest that are meant to be posted would be sent on Monday. Didnt take that much time packing up though. Actually it was quite a breeze, unlike the time when I was returning from Sydney.

And... I've bought my tix! The departure date is fixed. Feeling rather excited, anxious and filled with lotsa anticipation. Time's kindda tight though.

Attended baby Daryl's first month celebration. It's so surreal seeing your childhood friend with a baby in her arm and being a mom. We seem to have skipped a step in life, I dunno wat but something seem to be missing.

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