The little man had spelt pasta with homemade sauce (steamed capsicum+tomatoes cooked in a bit of butter with a wee bit of whip cream, pureed for consistency) for dinner last evening. The nanny was shocked to see Mama cooking capsicum for the little man and I guess she would have placed a bet if she could that little man won't like it. Mama was also trying my luck. He likes them roasted doesn't mean he takes them pureed. And tomatoes? One of his least favourite. At the dining table last evening, little man surprised Mama when he polished his food with no hesitation.
This morning Mama made 3 ramekins of horribly tasting mango pudding (I swear it tasted like puke). In my attempt to save the puddings I added pumpkin puree, which frankly didn't do much. Mama was about to trash the food but wanted to tease the little man before the food went into the bin. He ended up eating 2 ramekins of puke tasting pudding. And this is probably one of the easiest feeding session in weeks.
And they say, taste is subjective!