不知不觉已经11个礼拜. 前几天抱着你到疹所 ,护士不禁发出了惊奇的叫声.你比两个星期前又重了正正1.5公斤.算一算,你现在的体重已超过刚出生时的两倍.医生笑说7公斤的宝宝抱起来 一定挻有趣,感觉上已填满妈妈的怀抱,似乎毫无空间可言.妈妈是觉得你好重没错,但望着生病的你却有些许舍不得放手.年幼的你咳起来那么使劲. 一定很辛苦吧?顿时间,妈妈也开始心疼起外婆来了.以前从来没好好的体恤外婆的心情,总觉得她呀过于唠叨,很多时候也为了无为的事而操心.年少时夜晚外出,外婆总爱在窗旁望向大街的巴士站,或坐在客厅的沙发上 一直到我们回到家才肯安心回房.那时的我总觉得外婆她让我们外出时很有压力.外婆她的坦心似乎很无为.现在终于自已当了妈妈后才明白这一切.听到你的一声咳嗽感到而心疼、看着你因为生病而些许少吃点而感到操心,原来在妈妈们的感受中并没有所为的过于坦心和操心.这发自内心的情绪我们控制不了.你说它多余也好,反正这就是母爱.以后你或许有一天会明了,就像妈妈一样,在处身于境时才知道外婆她的坦心和操心那时母爱.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
The boy is growing!
Things are getting better, and Utt is growing fast. Today, he napped without being swaddled for hours and it seemed like his startle reflex is going away.
Suddenly I feel that everyone else is right when they say that the little ones do grow fast!
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Insane and then sane again
After (barely) surviving 3 weeks without any help since my folks left, the nanny came to our rescue on Monday like a godsend. It was the toughest 3 weeks of my life, handling Utt alone (almost). P was here to help but frankly there is not much he could do. But I have to give him lotsa credit for taking good care of me, ensuring I get my meals, and taking care of the chores in the house. But when it comes to getting the baby to sleep, dealing with his crankiness and fussiness, it definitely wasnt P's forte. Strangely enough, I havent felt this loved by my husband. Not once, he gave me encouraging words and numerous pats on the shoulder telling me how proud he is of me, how sorry he is that I have to go through these, etc. We are both new parents but when it comes to taking care of the young man the division of duties was clear. Only then you realise that gender equality is bullshit. Equity can be strived for but never equality. There are some things that are meant for Mamas to do, that we are to assume the duties because we are created for them.
Utt is turning 2 month in a couple of days. As much as I wish he will be sitting, crawling and walking soon (and me getting back my uninterrupted sleep), the past 2 months zoomed by pretty amazingly. The little man is now making noises almost like he is responding to us, smiling and at times laughing when he is in good mood and is developing motor skills (using his hands for comfort sucking, grabbing the bottle and Mama's boobies).
Alot of things have changed and will never be the same again but I am glad that P is in it, Utt is in it and we are growing together as a family. And only in tough times do you realise how much love you have around you