Beginning last Wednesday, I have started utilising the remainder of my vacation leave (18 days left in total!) and will be taking off from work every mid-week. And so, I found the time for more rest, getting up at 9am and going for my now bi-weekly swim, having my weekly foot massage, cooking up something nice for the 2 of us (yesterday was roast duck leg with apple sauce and grill lemon salmon, and P gave multiple thumb-ups for my apple sauce all cooked from scratch with granny smith apple). Taking life at such a leisure pace wouldn't be lasting for long (exactly 58 more days before Utt's arrival basing on 15 September 2012 as current EDD) and I am very glad that I am able to enjoy the last stage of my pregnancy with as little on my mind as possible.

We have been getting all prep up every since before getting back from Sg: Buying all the essentials, i.e. crib, stroller, infant car-seat, baby wear and right down to baby laundry liquid, toiletries, the ideal bathtub, wet towels, diapers etc. It's a lot of preparation to do welcoming a new life, but nothing beats the emotional prep that I am not sure if either of us are ready yet. What I do know is as far as parenting is concerned, we are theoretically on the same page (but I sometimes wonder if we will apply the theories in practice once Utt arrives, i.e. not becoming submissive parents who give in to screams/wails).
As the frequency of kicks increase and the strength of kicks get stronger, the anxiety level follows suit. It may sound a bit crazy to say this after 5 years in Thailand, but it's only now that I truly feel that my family life is beginning in a place that I have to learn call home.