Mdm has been busy lately. First with work, then with Restaurant City and now,

Mdm manage to get hold of the game (full version, pre-launch! All thanks to P aka computer geek). The new Sims has better graphics and is easier to navigate plus playing it on P's desktop is a breeze, everything's super duper fast, details are amazing etc. Our new addiction got us stayed in the whole of last Sunday.
We visited 4-5 development projects and finally had our eyes set on one. The location is fantastic: 1. it's out of town (meaning no jams) and 2. it's only a mere 10 mins drive from my workplace! It's the only developer we know not selling pre-built houses, which to me is a big draw. I need total freedom in choosing the right tiles (colour and size), handrails, space configuration etc. What we do have no choice in is the colour of external walls, roof etc., which is suppose to blend in with the entire project.
Specification & Price
Land Area 280 square metre
Floor Area 181 square metre
Total Price 2,990,000 Baht
Special Price 2,690,000 Baht

These development projects usually come with a clubhouse and security services. For the one that we are eyeing, paying an additional 900 baht/year/person will get us unlimited access to the pool and gym. A single visit to public pools in Chiangmai costs approx. 25-30 baht so this package is worth every penny.
Enough's said, so are we buying it yet? NOT YET. Boo. Unlike other projects, we need to fork out quite a bit of cash (approx. SGD24K) since houses by this developer are not pre-built (I figure they want to secure funds for construction). And we've got to top it up with at least another 25K for furniture/electronics/interior works (which includes my hubby's 50-inch LCD full-HD TV). All in all, we'll need at least SGD50K in cold hard cash!!! You've got to love HDB for what they are doing for home ownership in Singapore. We've figured we'll need till end of the year to reach the mark, and then construction will begin... which means, the house is going to be ready only by next year. OOO... whatever. It's better than having nothing to look forward to.