The weather here is getting crazier than ever. It started raining few days ago and it didnt stop for the whole of yesterday.
Anywayz, Mdm's keeping track of my weight again cos it's getting noticeable that I have piled on a bit of weight. Yesterday, P and I were calculating the calories we consume on an average day and realised that my theory of relying on mung bean vermicelli was a total flaw. Apparently, it's higher in calories than any other noodles (egg, rice etc.). In any case, I guess I had been able to keep my calories intake slightly above 1500. So on days that I do my 3.5 km on the treadmill, I am managing 1500 calories intake per day. As I was happily thinking of the possibility of shedding that extra 2 kg, we went groceries shopping today and I came home with half a kilo of durian. I know it's a sinful indulgence but I only had a bowl of noodle for lunch and a plate of vermicelli salad for dinner. And I was still hungry. So, I sat and munched on that half kilo of durian (btw, Thai durians suck big time), thinking that it's ok to add on 500 calories for today. I was wrong. According to this guy, you get 357 calories in one piece of durian. ROOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRRR. I think I consumed, at least, 8 pieces of fleshy tasteless durian. I should just live on water for the next few days. *Burp*
Anywayz, Mdm's keeping track of my weight again cos it's getting noticeable that I have piled on a bit of weight. Yesterday, P and I were calculating the calories we consume on an average day and realised that my theory of relying on mung bean vermicelli was a total flaw. Apparently, it's higher in calories than any other noodles (egg, rice etc.). In any case, I guess I had been able to keep my calories intake slightly above 1500. So on days that I do my 3.5 km on the treadmill, I am managing 1500 calories intake per day. As I was happily thinking of the possibility of shedding that extra 2 kg, we went groceries shopping today and I came home with half a kilo of durian. I know it's a sinful indulgence but I only had a bowl of noodle for lunch and a plate of vermicelli salad for dinner. And I was still hungry. So, I sat and munched on that half kilo of durian (btw, Thai durians suck big time), thinking that it's ok to add on 500 calories for today. I was wrong. According to this guy, you get 357 calories in one piece of durian. ROOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRRR. I think I consumed, at least, 8 pieces of fleshy tasteless durian. I should just live on water for the next few days. *Burp*